Will My New Wells Rust After You Install Them?



The window wells we install are galvanized metal (steel that has received a thin coating of zinc oxide. This protects the steel from elements that normally would lead to oxidation, corrosion, and to the eventual weakening of the steel.) As long as the wells are not subject to electrolysis they should last indefinably.

With every install we use a specialized voltage meter system to check that the window wells have no contact to the existing metal in your home. Checking for electroloysis insures against the possibility that one of the bolts we used to connect the new well is touching the rebar in your foundation. Since this cannot be seen, our testing is the only way to make sure you will not have rusting again in the very near future. If our testing indicates that electrolysis is occurring we will re-install the well (at no charge) to get it corrected.


Why Are My Window Wells Rusting?


What Am I Risking If I Wait To Replace My Window Well?